Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Thoughts After the Funeral: Nov 16-25, 2012

Excerpts from face book posts the first two weeks after the accident...

At 18 months I went back and read these entries.  Knowing the emotional struggle that was to come, it is amazing for me to see how much I was LIFTED, ENABLED, and CARRIED through the initial shock of Scott's death.  I understand now how much he was allowed to be present.  I remember our home feeling like a sacred place... it was as if we were surrounded in a bubble of light... I'm so grateful that the day of the accident, I chose to turn to the light.

Nov 16, 2012 (6 days after the accident)
"My children are my best friends and my boys my pillar of strength."

"We are driving to Omaha for Scott's funeral and we just passed Kansas City. What an amazing journey this has been and continues to be. 

The sweet peace of the gospel has comforted 
our saddened hearts. 

The memorial service in Springfield last night reflected who Scott is and shared his feelings about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Tender mercies have been bestowed upon me and my children and we have grown in unimaginable ways... ways 
that could have never happened without this experience. 

Truly the Savior's atonement takes away the sting of death 
and fills us with hope, love and direction.

Thank you for your prayers and feelings of sympathy. You have followed the savior and mourned with those that mourn and stood with us who were in need of comfort. May The Lord bless you for your compassion and love. Continue to pray for us."

Nov 24, 2012
We are just leaving the cemetery this morning.  Another hard hurdle over. We are going to the temple later this afternoon. Tomorrow we will head home. 

It is amazing to me the peace the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to me. So many people in my situation would feel utter dispair and emptiness... that all was over and their love one was no more.

All I felt was comfort..,
The sweet assurance that Scott was still the head of our family. 
That as I listen to the Holy Spirit, he will be able to lead and guide us  
That he is still there and that we will be together again as a family if we will all try to do what's right and keep our covenants.

Nov 25, 2012

Sure glad I have my kids and the assurance that we will all be together again some day. 

I went to the temple Tuesday night and took the boys yesterday. 

It was good to feel the spirit there and be reminded of what is important...
 family and doing what is right.

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