Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Principle 12

Principle 12

Principle 12

"The Greatest blessings from the use of the priesthood flow from humble service to others without thought of self."

Because I have people who are not members of the LDS church read this blog and  because this is something that is often misunderstood about our church, I wanted to take a moment to explain the priesthood.  The priesthood is the authority given to man to act in God's stead.  It is a power to serve others, not for the one who holds it to wield. 

Why are only men given the priesthood?  Isn't that totally sexist?

Well, maybe in the opposite way... Let me explain my thoughts (this is not church doctrine, but based on how much I know God loves His daughters, and I believe this to be true.)

Women innately have a divine ability to care and serve others.  We love more unconditionally.  We are natural nurturers.  Also, we often have the capacity to be very close to the spirit.  (Principle 13 is about women, so if this rubs you the wrong way... reserve judgement and read that principle.)

Men do their best, but honestly need a lot of help in this department.  The priesthood gives them access to some of those qualities.  It helps them to feel the spirit,  to feel compassion for others, and to serve others.  It helps them to feel God's love for His children.

We have to let our men have that so that they can better serve and love us.  

Now enough of the gospel according to Veronica,  let's hear from Richard G Scott....


To the Giver of Blessings:

Very few men in the history of this world have been entrusted with the privilege of holding that power that Jesus Christ ordained his apostles with... to act in his name.  Today, worthy men are privileged to be able to have that same honor bestowed upon them by proper authority granted by Christ.  
They should be humbled and profoundly grateful.

The POWER of the priesthood does not come
 from being ordained but it depends on...
1. Personal Worthiness
2. Faith in Jesus Christ
3. Obedience

The CAPACITY to use the priesthood is enhanced by a SECURE GOSPEL FOUNDATION

Jesus Christ is the perfect role model for the priesthood.  
He showed....
1. Love
2. Compassion
3. Charity
4. Humility
5. Faithfulness
6. Obedience

Following Jesus Christ's example allows men to access power to heal, bless, console and counsel as they follow the prompting of the spirit.

For a priesthood holder to communicate the WILL OF THE LORD they must...
1. Have FAITH
3. Be SENSITIVE to the promptings of the Spirit

Ties that Bind
 are formed when husbands and fathers give blessings.

PONDER your Personal Worthiness...
-How often don you use your priesthood to bless others?
-This is a SACRED Responsibility to HONOR that gift.

You have the blessing to use the authority to act in the name of God
 to bless the lives of others who depend upon you.

To the Receiver of Blessings:

Priesthood Blessings... 

1. Open a 'channel of help' consistent with the Lord's will.
2. Resolve things beyond our capacity or others to influence.

When blessings are pronounced there is no guarantee without action on our part.

1. We must be worthy.

2. We must EXERCISE faith to DO what we can. 

3. We must utilize the help of others.


To RECEIVE a blessing (note receiving is an action verb) we must...
1. Exercise FAITH
2. Express GRATITUDE
3. DO all in our POWER to resolve the need.

I have had great comfort, counsel and direction from priesthood blessings.  I have watched my husband place his hands on my children's heads and miraculously heal them.

The first experience was when Alex had a head injury while Scott was a resident at the MAYO clinic. He woke up that night and was throwing up.  Scott looked at his pupils and one was blown... a very bad thing.  He blessed him right then and there and then scooped him up and drove him to the hospital.  The attending physician in the ER confirmed his diagnosis and they rushed Alex off for an MRI.  I was praying frantically at home.  Scott called and was crying, but he said that he knew from the blessing that Alex would be healed.  When they finished the MRI, the doctor was very confused.  There was absolutely nothing wrong and Alex's pupil had returned to normal size.

The second experience was when Cooper had an accident with the chain saw.  The blade had flipped off and chewed up his leg pretty bad right above the knee.  This happened on Monday and Cooper was supposed to go walk around Nauvoo for our church Youth Conference that weekend and then head straight to scout camp for a week.  Scott said the wound would need 6 weeks to heal before he could do activities like that.  After getting proper medical care, Scott gave Cooper a blessing.  He told him if he was doing righteous things that he could and should expect a miracle.  After the blessing we parked Cooper on the couch and told him not to bend or move the leg.  Three days later Scott looked at the wound.  He said it looked like it had been healing for a month.  Cooper went to youth conference and Scout camp.  He earned the mile swim, taught a special needs kid to swim and got his Life Saving merit badge.

My kids know that miracles happened when their dad blessed them.  They know and understand that power and they will always remember those special moments with their dad.  I'm so glad that he was worthy to be an instrument for the Lord to heal my children. 

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